• First Name : Abdulrahman
  • Last Name : Alsubaiq
  • Age : 23 Years
  • Nationality : Saudi
  • Birth Date : 2001/1/13
  • Languages : Arabic, English
  • Availability to work : Unavailable
  • Freelance : Unavailable

General Skills

  • Project management
  • Leadership
  • Technical skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Creative thinking
  • Social Networking
  • Flexibility
  • Decision making





Happy Clients


Completed Projects



Coding Skills


Experience & Education

  • 2023 - 2024
    Software Engineer Fateel Tech

    - Utilized GitHub, Jira, AWS, CI/CD, and SOAP calls for efficient project management, deployment, and integration with external systems. - Led the development team for an event management system, a multi-tenant event management system, and a system for managing ticket purchases for football matches. - Successfully integrated external services such as a payment gateway, and government systems. - Utilized SOAP calls to link with Ministry of Sports-related systems. - Developed a SaaS multitenant application, demonstrating expertise in creating scalable and efficient software solutions.

  • 2023 - 2023
    Software Engineer Intern SDAIA

    - Participated in the development of an AI-powered website for interview analysis - Integrated complex AI models into the backend for enhanced functionality - Improved model accuracy through iterative testing methods - Designed a user-friendly frontend interface with React - Gained hands-on experience with FastAPI for backend development - Collaborated in a team environment, sharing ideas and contributing to project success

  • 2022 - 2023
    Software Engineer Shaguf

    Collaborating with 10+ engineers to develop an educational platform using Laravel, utilizing an Agile methodology in a task-based approach. We are managing the project using Jira and working synchronously on GitHub. We Implemented CI/CD through GitHub actions and successfully hosted the project on AWS.

  • 2022 - 2023
    Member of Student Fund Board of Directors in KFU King Faisal University

    I was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Student Fund and as a representative of the scientific colleges at King Faisal University for a period of two years by the university president.

  • 2022 - present
    Full-stack website developer (Owner) Haseef Service

    Developed a free service for KFU students that allows them to view all possible schedules through a complex algorithm based on the data structure. The algorithm generates conflict-free schedules. The site was built using Laravel and is hosted on a Linode Linux server.

  • 2023 - 2023
    Full-stack Website Developer (Freelancer) (Manie KFU) at King Faisal University

    As a freelancer, I developed Manie platform utilizing Laravel. This involved gathering requirements, developing a comprehensive business plan, and initiating the development process on GitHub. Once the platform was ready, I deployed it to a Linux server hosted by Linode for seamless online access.

  • 2023 - 2023
    Full-stack Website Developer (Freelancer) BluePadel

    Developed a booking website for Padel stadiums using Laravel, leveraging GitHub for version control, and deploying the project on DigitalOcean's serverless environment. Established CI/CD by integrating the project with the GitHub repository.

  • 2022 - 2022
    Full-stack Website Developer (Freelancer) (Mawhiba KFU) at King Faisal University

    As a freelancer, I developed this site for The National Center for Research on Giftedness and Creativity at KFU within a tight timeline, utilizing Laravel as the primary framework. GitHub was employed for version control, and the site is currently hosted on a Linux server provided by Linode.

  • 2021 - 2022
    Tech Lead & Full-stack Website Developer TEDxKFU

    Led the development of a comprehensive event management website for TEDxKFU based on Laravel. The site facilitated speakers and volunteers registration, ticketing and reservation system, and QR code scanning on tickets. Deployed the site on a Linode server, which involved installing a Linux server as per the requirements. Developed the project on GitHub.

  • 2021 - 2022
    Founder & Leader Developer Student Club at King Faisal University

    We are a developer student club affiliated to King Faisal University. My mission as a leader is to create a core team of expert students who can encourage the students and help them to present courses and enroll in other courses to improve themselves in the technical fields.

  • 2019 - 2024

    Now, I am studying computer science at King Faisal University.

  • 2022 - 2022
    Nanodegree of Full-Stack JS Development Udacity

    Self-paced program designed to teach students how to build REST APIs and web applications

  • 2016 - 2019
    High School King Fahad Secondary School (ARAR)

    I graduated from King Fahad Secondary School with a GPA of 100%

Some Certificates

14th Place

18 Sep 2022

6th Place

IAU CTF competition
16 Jan 2022

10th Place

IAU CTF competition
7 Oct 2021

10th Place

CyberHub CTF competition
14 Mar 2021

1st Place

KFU CTF competition
29 Nov 2020

3rd Place

KFU Food Security Hackathon
15 Nov 2019


General Aptitude Test (GAT)
17 Feb 2019


Cumulative grade for high school
02 May 2019